About TenSham



A word from the CEO and the visionary of TenSham Tours

Israel Viviet Zvavamwe CEO And Director

I wanted to pop in and say Hi. Have you ever held your baby for the first time? Your baby could be anything, your kitten, your puppy, and an actual baby, Well, TenSham brings that feeling to me. I want what is best for it, and all that I can give. It was John F Kennedy who coined the phrase “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” Well in TenSham the reverse is true. Ask what your Tour operator can do for you. I have created a culture where you as our clients are in control because you Know what you want, what’s best for you. So A.S.K which stands for Ask, Seek, and Knock. Because when you Ask it shall be given, when you Seek… you will find and when you Knock the door will be opened. We aim to make the ASK our protocol and solution to your holiday and corporate needs. Simply put there is no destination too far, and no mountain too high.. nothing we cannot do to cater to your needs.
